Jill Yelland, glass designer and serigrapher was born in Western Australia, Studied Graphic Design at Curtin University (then W.A.I.T ) and the prestigious School of Design, (Kunstgewerbeschule) Basel Switzerland.
Since 2003 when Jill ‘discovered’ glass, she has studied with some of the world’s best and most renowned glass artists, in Europe, US and Australia.
- President Hu Jintao, of Peoples’ Rupublic of China
- The Hon. John Howard, former Prime Minister, of Australia
- His Excellency, the Governor of Western Australia
- Mrs Janet Holmes a Court, Private Collection, France
- Chevron - The Asia Pacific Geophysical Team Award
- Chamber of Minerals & Energy, Perth W.A.
- European Space Agency, Spain
- The Australian Embassy/Austrade, Madrid, Spain
- BHP Billiton Iron Ore & Nickel West Divisions
- Water Corporation of Western Australia
- Chevron -Oil & Gas Awards - Houston, Texas
- City of Belmont - sculptural pieces triptych
- Dept of Multi-Cultural Council Awards 2009 & 2011
- Chamber of Minerals & Energy Awards
- NAIDOC Indigenous Awards 2011, 2012
- Premier of W.A.’s Corporate Gifts - China Trade Mission
- The Lord Mayor of Perth’s International gifts
- Western Australian Tourism Council Awards 2008